Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ballet vs. Football :P

 Today started nicely with a refreshing day at church; but I have to say, TJ seriously made my day by saving the tiny square of pita bread and the small, plastic cup withholding the grape juice from communion. Cutting the bread into teeny pieces, he placed them on the armrest as if it was a table. He nibbled at the small meal and sipped at the grape juice with the seriousness as if it was his only meal for the day while we were bursting out laughing. :D
  During the afternoon, my mom, Alysia, Kayla (my neighbor), TJ, and I had tons of fun swimming at the YMCA. Unfortunately, a troop of birthday partying tots arrived, while me and my crew groaned with the mispleasure of having to share our peaceful pool with them.
  Coming home, Alysia and father left immediately to attend some superbowl party. Ironically, my mom and I watched a random ballet movie /: Now I am sipping raspberry zinger tea with the uneasy feeling that I have to go to school tomorrow. :P


  1. They should mix ballet movies with the funny Superbowl commercials :) I would personally choose the ballet movie over the superbowl party lol
