Friday, July 20, 2012

Less for Me, More for You, All for God

On the way home from grocery shopping with my dad, we talked about columnists who only write about their feelings and things that a normal reader wouldn't really care about.

"This morning I woke up refreshed and rejuvenated as I saw the glorious sun rising above the earth... but when I saw my precious, little boy sleeping, my mind wandered to flowers and meadows..."

All I could do was laugh when my dad said this, but a couple seconds later my mind snapped, and I wondered if my writing is anything like that. Looking at my previous blog posts, I found a common theme throughout the publishing's. Me.

Sometimes its OK to talk about whats going on in your life, to state your opinion, or show off your work, but if that all you're going to do, your readers are going to be snoring. So, with that said, I have officially decided to spruce up my blogging routine and add in more advice and ideas, and maybe a little of my walk with Jesus. I want to show you what I'm doing and show you how too. I'm going to let you peek into my more creative side and show you my ongoing factory of ideas. And maybe also how my devotions are like.

This Summer I am going to be very creative so watch out for a sudden avalanche of blog posts. (; And yes, I promise to stop talking about myself and my daily life and blog with you, my readers and Jesus, in mind.

Comments? Questions? Ideas? Comment below!

1 comment:

  1. about reviews on books and movies from the perspective of a Christian teenage girl? :)
