Tuesday, July 17, 2012

XC Doubts...

After returning home after the exciting traveling and 'bonding' experience, my adventurous and excitement-seeking high wore of and I was hit full in the face by the stone of decisions. This has been something that has been boring through my brain for about a year now as I faced this one question.

Should I join cross country?

The urge to hide from large audiences, competitions, and crowds has probed me my whole life all thanks to my shyness. Track meets, concerts, or anything that puts any particular spotlight on me scares me to death. This phobia has worn of little by little as I've gotten older, but I was extremely shy when I was in elementary school.

Especially in fourth grade.*_____*

The first year I joined my school, my music teacher forced me against my will to sing *gasp* a solo. I went through weeks of coaxing and persuading from my elementary music teacher to sing. LOUDLY. I also survived gallons of tears, butterfly farms in my stomach, and near attempts of fainting.

If I can't survive 20 seconds on a stage, can I run a 5k with my family, teachers, and friends counting on me?

I just hope that I'll tell the difference from running because I'm too scared to fail, or running to be healthy, have fun, beat my goals and being stronger with each stride I take. And most importantly, not running for the people around me, running for the ONE thing that really matters. JESUS.

Right now I'm just going to train my hardest, and try it out. If I absolutely hate it, my mother said I could pull out. But I actually really want to do something different for a change and face this little habit straight in the eyes. 

If all else fails, what I really need is prayers and encouragement for endurance and strength. Thank you! :D

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